Do you work in Design?
Not many of us dispute climate change, or the need to reduce our waste to a minimum. Just as importantly, a commitment to the circular economy has proven cost savings. In this post we look at practical steps you can take to help your business join the circular economy.
The case for Modular Design
Design is an area that is often looked at in detail where the circular economy is concerned. If your business designs and manufactures products, think about a more modular design approach. Being able to replace a module rather than the whole product is far more environmentally friendly, due to so much less of the design going to landfill. Also, it gives your product more longevity which in itself is a selling point.
Recycling Electronics
Cut down on the Fastest Growing Waste Stream
As well as a modular approach to cut down on waste, a commitment to ReUSE - reusable, unzippable, sustainable electronics, can and will cut down the need for us to contribute to one of the fastest growing waste streams globally - electronics. Most of which goes to landfill.
ReUSE sees electronic devices built using advanced glues and utilising thermoplastic substrates. This allows for 90% of components to be reused following a simple soak in hot water. If all devices were built using ReUSE, we would significantly cut down on the two million tonnes of electrical and electronic waste, as well as minimising heavy metals in landfills.
Can your Waste be used for something Else?
The Case for Advanced Sourcing
One of the key points of the circular economy is using waste products for something else. Community-based schemes around the world have seen raw materials that would have ended up in a landfill, be turned into other products. Fishing nets in the Philippines for example, have been turned successfully into carpet yarn.
Ramon Arratia, European sustainability director, Interface, believes that companies could make a considerable contribution to the circular economy, simply by using and sourcing materials via community projects and recycling centres.
Some Good Reasons to Recycle your Glass
Some Good Work in Scotland
Glass has always been a material we recycle, almost routinely. Green glass, however, is proving especially valuable north of the border. Traditionally, sand has been used in water filtration systems. This is problematic as sand cannot be recycled and mining it causes environmental damage. Green glass, however, does the same job as sand. New water filtration systems have been built sand free, using glass filtration.
The glass can be reused as well once the filtration system has reached the end of its life.
Waste Recyclers
Cut down Business Waste Costs
Often it is a good idea to look at your waste and contact local waste recycling companies to see if they will collect it from you. Sometimes, if the waste is valuable, they may even buy it from you. This is a good and easy way to ease your business into the circular economy.
By embracing the circular economy you are making a commitment to saving the planet, and you can show your commitment in your marketing materials. This will help you win over your target audience and add a new selling point to the ones you have.
Source: The Guardian