Waste like other commodities has fluctuating prices.  Therefore, to make your waste as profitable as possible it is important to track the price on at least a monthly basis.  This not only ensures you can keep tabs on your waste partner prices with accuracy, but it also means you get fewer surprises when you are offered less for your waste than you were the previous month.

In this post, we look at how you can keep tabs on your waste, and how you can maximise the profit.

The Waste Stock Market

Like other commodities, a number of factors come into play to determine price.  Supply and demand, economic and political events, interest rates, inflation, and deflation all play their part.  This is only the tip of the iceberg too, as not many of us can say we understand how the stock market works.

As you can see with all these forces influencing price, the price of your waste will change over time.

Tips to Keep Pace with Waste Price

It is a good idea to keep pace with waste prices for the following reasons:

  • You never under value the price of waste
  • You maximise the profit from your waste
  • It gives you a good starting price should you decide to auction your waste

To keep pace with the change here are some ideas:

Check the Press – There are plenty of online sources where you can check the price of your waste.  As well as looking for specific commodities, such as mixed paper, for example, check the press generally.  With waste becoming more of a precious commodity, price fluctuations do make general stock market news.

Monitor Prices Offered – If you notice a steady decline in the prices offered for your waste, this is either a sign that the waste couriers are driving down costs, or the waste price is falling.  If you have kept tabs regularly, you will easily be able to determine which factor applies.  If you have not, approach other waste couriers to establish a going rate for your waste.

Speak to Other Businesses – If you have not monitored your waste prices for some time, you may know other businesses that have.  Why not ask them for the going rate?

Speak to Official Sources- There are plenty of official bodies that can be easily found online.  Why not sign up to a few organisations and ask them for prices, and indeed information and assistance?

If you have gone to the trouble to make your business green, it seems a shame not to maximise your profits and reduce costs from doing so.  As you can tell, running checks in the press, and contacting this guy and that guy to get pricing information is quite time consuming.  Not something you want to do when you h

Tracking the Price of your Waste

Ensuring the best Price for your Waste

Waste like other commodities has fluctuating prices.  Therefore, to make your waste as profitable as possible it is important to track the price on at least a monthly basis.  This not only ensures you can keep tabs on your waste partner prices with accuracy, but it also means you get fewer surprises when you are offered less for your waste than you were the previous month.

In this post, we look at how you can keep tabs on your waste, and how you can maximise the profit.

The Waste Stock Market

Like other commodities, a number of factors come into play to determine price.  Supply and demand, economic and political events, interest rates, inflation, and deflation all play their part.  This is only the tip of the iceberg too, as not many of us can say we understand how the stock market works.

As you can see with all these forces influencing price, the price of your waste will change over time.

Tips to Keep Pace with Waste Price

It is a good idea to keep pace with waste prices for the following reasons:

  • You never under value the price of waste
  • You maximise the profit from your waste
  • It gives you a good starting price should you decide to auction your waste

To keep pace with the change here are some ideas:

Check the Press – There are plenty of online sources where you can check the price of your waste.  As well as looking for specific commodities, such as mixed paper, for example, check the press generally.  With waste becoming more of a precious commodity, price fluctuations do make general stock market news.

Monitor Prices Offered – If you notice a steady decline in the prices offered for your waste, this is either a sign that the waste couriers are driving down costs, or the waste price is falling.  If you have kept tabs regularly, you will easily be able to determine which factor applies.  If you have not, approach other waste couriers to establish a going rate for your waste.

Speak to Other Businesses – If you have not monitored your waste prices for some time, you may know other businesses that have.  Why not ask them for the going rate?

Speak to Official Sources- There are plenty of official bodies that can be easily found online.  Why not sign up to a few organisations and ask them for prices, and indeed information and assistance?

If you have gone to the trouble to make your business green, it seems a shame not to maximise your profits and reduce costs from doing so.  As you can tell, running checks in the press, and contacting this guy and that guy to get pricing information is quite time consuming.  Not something you want to do when you have a business to run.  There is a solution to this problem, and it’s called the Green Alchemist App.

Using the Green Alchemist

The Green Alchemist is an app designed to help you sell your waste.  It has a feature that plugs into the waste stock market providing real time pricing information, and it can help you sell your waste by auction. 

It empowers businesses to sell their recyclable waste and to make better recycling decisions. Register today.ave a business to run.  There is a solution to this problem, and it’s called the Green Alchemist App.

Using the Green Alchemist

The Green Alchemist is an app designed to help you sell your waste.  It has a feature that plugs into the waste stock market providing real time pricing information, and it can help you sell your waste by auction. 

It empowers businesses to sell their recyclable waste and to make better recycling decisions. Register today.